August 9th is Women’s Day, and every brand and company out there looks to celebrate or highlight the women that work with or for them. Women need to be given the spotlight, a ‘place at the table’ to contribute – how we want – to society. And so, at Orange Ink – an agency filled with strong, capable and undeniably talented women – this day is celebrated with gusto, as female empowerment is a key pillar to our business!
When thinking about the Orange Ink team, I set about trying to define what makes us magic – that special something that makes our agency unique! But I’ve simply concluded that “where there is a woman, there is just always magic” *.
The Orange Ink team – of which all are women – is made of people who have had some hard life lessons and experiences – lessons which have been learnt, both personally and professionally – along the way. We can be fragile and temperamental; we don’t always see eye-to-eye – and we don’t all come from the same shared experiences. But there is a thread that brings us together, binds us – and that is our pride in our work and our profession. We all seem to have the same hunger to learn, to do better and to never stop asking questions. This is part of the magic of our team – we push each other, we support each other – and we all know the value of delivering exceptional work.
Am I biased – yes – but this team is made of visionaries that believe in themselves, who are proud of their skills, proud of their delivery and more importantly proud of their growth. Women who are recognised for their work and skill, and a team that wants to uplift each other – pretty magic combination right?
So, a personal message to my team – thank you – thank you for supporting the success of Orange Ink, thank you for supporting me in my craziness (they all know I hate detail) and thank you for believing in Orange Ink enough to let this agency grow with you and through you. We love seeing you shine and thank you for the magic!
Happy Women’s Day 2022 Orange Ink